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April 16, 2024

#27: Creating an Ethical Business Model – Maria Scheibengraf

Maria Scheibengraf, a translator and founder of Crisol Translations, discusses the importance of culture-based marketing and how emotions and culture are tightly linked in purchase decisions. She shares her experience in cre…
April 9, 2024

#26: The Importance of Mentors and Community – Mireya Pérez

Mireya is one of those people I could talk to and listen to all day. She shares a couple of her childhood stories, and why the connection with the community is so important to her. One of my favorite bits is when we talked a…
April 2, 2024

#25: Finding Your Niche and Creating a Portfolio – Martina Russo

Martina is a true force of nature doing MANY things, but focusing on the most important ones, and you will get a behind-the-scenes look into how she runs her main translation agency (The Action Sports Translator). "Don't aut…
March 26, 2024

#24: Marketing for Introverts & Redefining Professionalism – Andie Ho

Andie's laid-back but responsible outlook on freelancing is refreshing, so I suggest you listen to this episode if you want to find out how she does it. Also, you can try out new things EVEN if you might be an introvert. One…
March 19, 2024

#23: Consistency & Authenticity in Content Creation – Kelsey Frick

Kelsey Frick is one of those people who simply stand out on social media (in a good way!). I started following Kelsey quite a while ago and I just knew she'd make a great guest and provide valuable content for my audience, s…
March 12, 2024

#22: All You Need to Know About Pricing Your Services – Susie Jackson

Susie is one of those guests who was on my list way before I even started this podcast, and I'm so happy to share this episode with all of you! In this conversation, she shares her expertise on organizing business finances a…
March 5, 2024

#21: How to "Fire" Clients and Find the Right Anchor Clients – Melanie Padgett Powers

I'm sooo excited about this one! Melanie Padgett Powers, a freelance writer, editor, and podcaster based in Washington, D.C., talks about work-life clarity, structuring work days, firing clients, anchor clients, marketing, t…
Feb. 27, 2024

#20: Next-Level Professional Development, Free Content, and LinkedIn Strategies – Virginia Katsimpiri

Virginia Katsimpiri, a translation agency owner and business mentor, shares the story of her business evolution, the challenges of managing in-person and remote businesses, the importance of personal growth, strategies for f…
Feb. 20, 2024

#19: Embracing Technology, Mentorship, and Visibility in the Language Industry – Nora Díaz

In this conversation, Nora Díaz, an English-into-Spanish translator and technology enthusiast, discusses the importance of technology in our business and daily life. She shares her journey into the field of translation and h…
Feb. 13, 2024

#18: Building Brands and Websites: The Art of Customer-Centric Web Design – Tin Majetić

In his first-ever podcast appearance, Tin Majetić, a web designer based in Pula, Croatia, shares his insights on website design practices and the importance of understanding the target audience. He emphasizes the need to cre…
Feb. 6, 2024

#17: Diving Straight Into Freelancing, Scaling Up, and Downsizing – Emeline Jamoul

Emeline is a translator based in Belgium, and she shares her journey of diving into freelancing right after finishing her education and the decision-making process behind it. She talks about starting as a solo business owner…
Feb. 5, 2024

#16: On the 4-Day Workweek Revolution, Navigating the Modern Workplace, and Trust – Jan De Jong

Jan de Jong, CEO of Webpower Adria, discusses the implementation and benefits of a four-day workweek. He shares how his company introduced the concept and the notable benefits they have experienced, including increased emplo…
Jan. 23, 2024

#15: O javnom nastupu, mišljenjima drugih i samopouzdanju – Pinija Poljaković

Napomena: ovo je (zasad) posljednja epizoda ovog podcasta na hrvatskom jeziku. Uskoro ćemo imati priliku slušati goste iz raznih dijelova svijeta na engleskom jeziku! :) ________________________________________ Pinija Poljak…
Jan. 22, 2024

#14: O poslovnim modelima, prilagodljivosti i „perifernom vidu“ u poduzetništvu – Gaj Tomaš

Gaj Tomaš voditelj je tečajeva, prevoditelj i sudski tumač za engleski i njemački jezik, ali i iskusan podcaster. Njegov podcast „Bliski susreti jezične vrste“ broji preko 200 epizoda i u njemu ugošćuje brojne stručnjake i j…
Jan. 9, 2024

#13: Temelji uspješnog biznisa

U građevini, bez temelja nema ni nadogradnje, a isto vrijedi i za biznise koje stvaramo. :) U ovoj epizodi govorim o nekoliko osnovnih stvari koje je potrebno uspostaviti kako bismo uspješno poslovali. Ukratko, potrebno je: …
Jan. 3, 2024

#12: Kako otkriti svoju supermoć

Ova kratka epizoda posvećena je svemu onome što nas ističe od drugih, a kad to otkrijemo i kad na tome radimo, rezultati su sljedeći: Ističemo se na tržištu i lakše dolazimo do klijenata; Lakše zadržavamo klijente jer nudimo…
Dec. 26, 2023

#11: Lansiraj taj projekt!

Ako ste tražili znak da je vrijeme da lansirate neki svoj projekt, evo ga. :) U ovoj epizodi obrađujem temu lansiranja nečeg novog, o odgađanju i o uobičajenim mislima koje nam se motaju po glavi. Što je potrebno: Donijeti o…
Dec. 19, 2023

#10: Razine poslovnih ulaganja

Na razne načine možemo uložiti u sebe i svoj posao, ali je potrebno vrijeme kako bismo shvatili na koji način najbolje učimo i primjenjujemo naučeno (ključ je u primjeni!). Danas s vama dijelim sedam razina poslovnih ulaganj…
Dec. 12, 2023

#9: 9 lekcija koje dolaze s vremenom

Ovaj se tjedan fokusiram na evergreen lekcije koje su u svakom trenutku dobar podsjetnik. :) Kako epizoda ne bi trajala dva sata, s vama dijelim (samo) devet lekcija: 1. U redu je pogriješiti 2. Potrebno je postaviti granice…
Dec. 5, 2023

#8: Poslovne aktivnosti za kraj godine

U ovoj epizodi podijelit ću s vama neke ideje koje možete primijeniti u narednim tjednima, ali te ideje vrijede za bilo koje doba godine, samo je sad možda najbolji trenutak za njih. :) Podijelila sam ih u pet kategorija: 1.…
Nov. 28, 2023

#7: Kako ostvariti kvalitetnu suradnju s agencijama

Prijavljivanje za rad s agencijama u suštini je jednostavan i rutinski proces, ali je prepun bitnih detalja. Suradnja s agencijama može biti jako ugodna i financijski isplativa, a to iziskuje pripremu i nekoliko bitnih predr…
Nov. 21, 2023

#6: Što možemo naučiti od Vuka s Wall Streeta?

Stiže izvješće s posljednje ovogodišnje konferencije održane 17. 11. 2023. u kojoj je glavnu ulogu igrao Jordan Belfort, Vuk s Wall Streeta (see what I did there?). Konferenciju su organizirali Saša Tenodi, Vedran Sorić i Og…
Nov. 14, 2023

#5: Mali biznis = velika stvar

U ovoj epizodi analiziramo knjigu „Company of One“ čiji je autor Paul Jarvis. Knjiga me se toliko dojmila da sam jednu cijelu epizodu odlučila posvetiti baš njoj :) Što ne smijemo zaboraviti: Mali biznis propituje rast. Veće…
Nov. 7, 2023

#4: 15 ideja kako doći do klijenata

„Kako doći do klijenata? Ne znam odakle krenuti.„U ovoj epizodi dijelim 15 svojih i tuđih ideja i neka vam ovaj popis posluži kao inspiracija kad „zapnete" i kad pomislite da ste iscrpili sve moguće opcije. Jedna mi je prija…